"To be a Developing Christ-cente#416B05 community that transforms lives through faith, love, and service. We envision a church where every individual experiences God's grace, grows in discipleship, and impacts the Globally by sharing the hope of the Gospel.
To serve orphaned children, native women, the homeless, and the community through the love of Christ.
Biblical Foundation: (James 1:27, Matthew 25:35-40, Acts 2:42-47)
Integration of Church Ministry: Spiritual growth, discipleship, and community worship.
Your efforts are valued if you are interested in organizing conferences, seminars, awareness camps, or skill training.
For millions of Indian women, every day is a struggle against poverty and despair.
We may not be able to change the world, but we can make a difference in the life of one child.
Total Volunteers
Meals Served
Got Shelter
Adapted Children
Welcome to Shelter and Care (Trust) Ministries , a faith-based non-profit organisation dedicated to restoring faith and hope and transforming lives in society. Shelter and Care (Trust) Ministries helps some of India's poorest slum children. Semi-orphans, orphans, at-risk women, widows, and lepers are among the people with whom we serve. Shelter and Care (Trust) also helps feed the hungry, clothe the naked, hospitalises the ill and cares for the inju#416B05.
The vision of the church.
1. Honours God: Focused on worship, sharing the gospel, and making disciples.
2. Puts an emphasis on transformation by guiding individuals to Jesus and encouraging their spiritual development.
3. Serves the Community: Through service, love, and outreach, it changes lives.
4. Advances God's Kingdom by promoting missions and evangelism.
5. Brings the Church Together: Motivating believers to collaborate in faith and mission.