About Us

Who are we?

Welcome to Shelter and Care (Trust) Ministries, a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to restoring faith and hope and transforming lives in society. HWW helps some of India's poorest slum children. Semi-orphans, orphans, at-risk women, widows, and lepers are among the people with whom we serve. HWM also helps feed the hungry, clothe the naked, hospitalize the ill, and care for the injured. Mrs. and Mr. established Shelter and Care (Trust) Ministries as a non-profit organization. The Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Reg number : 314/1V/27 governs the organization's registration. I understood that by working together, we could do far more than I could do alone.

"Over 10 Years of Accomplishments”

What do we do?

Based on our resources, we work with the poor, such as widows, lepers, and slum children, to provide them with food, shelter, clothing, and education. We also give women who are in danger of needing to learn how to sew a chance to do so. Our mission is to educate, enlighten, and empower people.

Shelter Care Trust

Shelter Care Trust

Shelter Care Trust

Our Testimonials

Over 10 Years of Accomplishments